Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Remember this post? Well, I made another one.  The picture is with the table cloth on my table, but the table cloth was a gift to my sister, so it was actually made for her table, a smaller table.  It looked better on hers.  I actually wanted to sew a third row of ruffles, but My machine was a little overworked on this tablecloth, and it might have been its last straw.  It wasn't the tablecloths fault really, it was my back-up machine, and I should have stopped when could tell it was needing a break, but I was so close to finishing, I just wanted to finish.  Plus I procrastinated and her birthday was that day, and I didn't have time to wait.  It may just need to be oiled, but that is another story.

This is the tutorial I followed for the jumbo rosette.
I am happy with how the tablecloth turned out.

I am currently saving up for a new machine, and I have already arranged with my sewing machine guy (that is right, I have a guy, and he is GREAT! I totally recommend him to anyone in the area, even if your sewing machine problem is small.) to get one in a couple months.  (He has fixed my machine's a few times, but specializes in rebuilding old Bernina's. I talked to him yesterday and he has ordered a Bernina to get ready for me, wahoo!  He also has a patent on a Long arm quilting machine he makes and sells).  Anyway, when I get my new machine, I am definitely going to make one of these tablecloths with at least three rows of ruffles, maybe four or five, can you have too many row of ruffles?
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1 comment:

  1. You are amazing! I wish I had half the talent, creativeness, and design sense you had!
